Kei Wing Hui was born and raised in Hong Kong and is now based in the UK. She holds a Master’s degree in Multi-disciplinary Printmaking from the University of the West of England, where she developed a deep passion for intaglio techniques, with aquatint serving as her primary medium of creative exploration.
Her work is deeply personal, exploring themes of memory, relationships, and vulnerability. By integrating objects and landscapes, she weaves together past experiences with present reflections, creating a visual dialogue that resonates with viewers. Her multi-layered compositions examine the passage of time and the evolving nature of perception, with each layer of color conveying the emotions tied to memory
MA Multi-disciplinary Printmaking
University of the West of England
BA Fine Arts
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Rebecca Smith Award (the PG Printmaker's Prize) 2024
Emerging Hong Kong Printmaking Award 2022-2023
The Hong Kong Open Printshop
“What colour will my skin be under the water”, KASKO, Basel, Switterland
“Prologue: HKOP Print Art Contemporary Fundraising Exhibition”, PMQ, HK
“Don’t give them fire!” Block F, Bower Ashton, UWE, Bristol, UK
“Behind the Obscure Glass” (solo show) Hong Kong Open Printshop, HK
“World Book Night 2023 - We Remember”, Hong Kong Design Institute, HK
“Original”, Wurearea, HK
“Alien Property”, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK, HK
“Micro-Numbness”, Yueh Chiao Art Gallery, CUHK, HK
“Outdoor Exhibition”, The Art of CUHK 2021 Undergraduate Exhibition, CUHK, HK
“Only”, Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts (CUHK) Freshmen Exhibition, CUHK, HK